Table Mouse by TET Lately I've not been able to get a lot done in the way of my own creative projects because many of them require too much time and some kind of lead in to get excited about them. Which I imagine sounds some what peculiar to you and you may be wondering why I can't be excited about my own projects right from the get go? Most creative projects are about 5% inspiration and 95% work. That 5% is the really fun bit. It's getting the idea. Some of you reading this find the idea stage the hard part. Not me. I get ideas for things even when I'm not trying to come up with ideas. The only trouble I have is knowing which ideas are worth turning into an actual project. The other 95% is the work to bring an idea to full realization. It doesn't matter what you do, even if you enjoy doing it, some days it just feels like work. More so if what you do for yourself for fun is also what you get paid to do for other people as well. The line becomes blurre