One of the best parts of being an independent artist is when someone comes out of nowhere and unexpectedly pays you a very nice compliment.
Canvas and Pen is an artist and writers inspirational web site with the admirable goal of motivating artists and writers to succeed through inspirational articles and recommendations to quality websites.
I must admit I was unaware of the site until I was emailed by Les Anderson, from the Canvas and Pen, to let me know that my site had been added to their Recommended Galleries page because they believe my art, creativity and web site to be an example of someone who is succeeding. Very flattering and much appreciated.
Whether I would consider myself to be successful quite yet is another thing but I will say I have gained some ground and I am certainly doing better with my art than I was around this time last year.
That aside, thanks to Canvas and Pen for the compliment of being a recommended site. If you happen to need a bit of inspiration or motivation to get your ideas and creativity flowing then visit their site and maybe subscribe to one of their many RSS feeds.
I have actually spent some time browsing Canvas and Pen and have found it to be very 'more-ish' i.e. you'll find yourself clicking links to articles within articles just to see what they're about. Lots of useful information, often presented in a very unique way. Definitely worth your time.
Congratulations Again! I wonder what they do to find artists etc online? There is a special thing that you can do so that your web site will come up first or near the top in such as Google I think.
ReplyDeleteJon Lewis did a trick of putting his name or website I think, lots of times on his web site, which apparently got his web site first on Google, but he got banned from Google for doing it, so they must have sussed him out! I think he got an email or something to say his web site had been banned. Don't know what he had to do to become 'unbanned!'
So, don't do that! I see your video is on there too. I didn't get notified of that, as I usually do. I will go to YouTube in my Subscrptions to re-watch it from there, because I don't know whether you were talking or not when you were painting, but I saw your lips moving, so thought you must, but I could only hear the music, which I thought it was meant to be like. The talking when the music wasn't playing was clear enough.
It's never a good idea to try and trick search engines like Google. The best way to be found by search engines is to ensure relevant keywords appear in your web site text regularly.
ReplyDeletePeople find my site in many different ways. Not always via search engines but I do get a lot of visitors via that route.
If you get involved with enough communities, online galleries and more people will eventually stumble across your name. That's one of the reasons why you'll see so many links on my 'More' page where people can find me on other sites.
With the video, if I remember correctly there's no talking during the music part of that video. It was put together in a hurry and I really didn't have anything to add about the actual painting process that required a voice over.
Oh...that's good to know! The music is more in the background on YouTube, but loud from your site.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a 'plane landing at the end, and just before, sounds like some vehicle, or a 'plane, or you could say it sounds like a very rude noise, as that end descends, if you want to interpret it like that, but it's not difficult! LOL!
Not a bad piece of music though - I thin it did say the title or the artists at the end.